Level Up Learning

There is an immense demand to learn the latest Web3 technologies but the reality is that most developers learn on their own and by spending hours upon hours individually investigating open-source contracts and repos of Web3 giants.

LeetCore offers highly visual courses and videos that examine some of the most commonly used repos and contracts out there. Examples include:  - How Uniswap Changed Aidrops - Merkle Distributor  - Never-ending DeFi Yields - Staking Contracts - Smart Teams and Investors - 0x's Vesting Contract - DAOs 101 - Discord, Discourse, Snapshot & Memes

The purpose of these educational streams is to help new and interested developers with little previous Web3 experience learn, apprechiate and build a superior ecosystem. The risk of a poorly 'forkensteined' project leading to a billion dollar exploit should be a thing of the past.

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